Saturday, August 30, 2014

Flower Timeline Tool

I have been diligent at capturing what flowers are blooming in our yard for the past 9 months at our new house for two main reasons. 1) I love to show off the beauty we find all around us; and 2) I want to see what blooms when, find the gaps, and strategically plant flowers that will bloom during that time.
I found a simple timeline tool that is actually designed for school teachers. It is called Capzles. It allowed me to upload pictures of the flowers, seasons, etc. and actually put them into order by when they were taken. This was magnificent! I just changed the file names to the flower name and bam! I had a visual timeline of my yard right there in front of me. I’m on the hunt for some winter blooms (probably hard to come by), and some for June, July, and early August.
I am super impressed by this free tool. I can see it also coming in handy for pregnancies, babies growing up, milestones reached, etc. I’m so glad I found it.

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