Wednesday, September 3, 2014

Vintage Chair Makeover

A few weeks ago, Justin and I went to a place (more like a private residence) called Mill Pond Salvage to buy a Lineberry cart. While there, we found a treasure trove of vintage yard chairs. I found one that bounces slightly when you sit in it. Justin didn’t have exact change for the cart and the chair so the guy told me to pick out another chair if I could find one I liked. I pulled out this green and orange rust bucket that rocks slightly and decided it was destined to be mine.
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I toyed with the idea of spray painting it teal, purple, or kelly green but the Krylon Pumpkin Orange screamed my name at the hardware store. I’m a sucker for orange—except when it comes to football teams, of course.IMG_1241 
I gathered up my tools—a wire brush to scrape off peeling paint and rust, sanding discs, a damp rag to wipe dust, and a dry rag.I scraped, scraped, scraped! Justin would have cringed to hear all of that metal on metal scraping so I did it while he was gone.
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This is after just two coats and one can of paint. I quickly realized it would cost me more for the paint than the chair cost but that’s okay.
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After a quick run for two more cans of paint, I gave it another two coats and it was looking good! I love sitting in it on our front porch. I can’t wait to start work on the other chair we bought. I’m thinking turquoise for it.

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