Monday, May 11, 2015

T-Ball With a 4-Year Old

This is Wyatt’s first year playing t-ball with our county recreation department. My crazy friend Saye talked me into coaching with her and two other women despite only one of the four of us having a child that has ever played before.

Wyatt is still getting the hang of things. He really likes hitting the ball. Everything else, notsomuch. I stay on the field for the entire game with the kids so I don’t get to take very many pictures. Thankfully, one of our team mamas got the most amazing action shots for us! I am so thankful.

You can see Wy loves hitting the ball.


Sometimes he runs to first base after hitting the ball, but most of the time he dawdles. Uncle Louie tried to tell him to run fast like a deer. That didn’t make him move any faster.

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When he gets tired of running the bases, he just plops right on down, sitting on the base.


And then, he merrily skips his way home.

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This is me reminding him to touch home base on his way in.




Bless his heart, this is my boy in the field…sitting down…at least he’s not playing in the dirt like everyone else usually is…this time. He did manage to take his glove off and throw it in the air before I caught up with him!


I know one day he might be a baseball-crazed boy with big MLB dreams. I am going to look back one day and laugh at his crazy antics. I wouldn’t trade them for the world.

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