Tuesday, December 8, 2009

Catching up from Thanksgiving

It has been a long time since posting. I figured I would catch up on November news. We have had two sets of family to visit from New Jersey, I have made it through what the doctor thinks is the flu, strep throat, and bronchitis.


I made a little banner to hang over the fire place.


I made FOUR lemon pies for Justin to take to work, for his grandparents’ house, for my parents’ house and of course, one for us to keep!


Homemade cranberry sauce


We had one sick puppy girl with a kidney infection. Naturally I ran out and got her a whole bunch of toys to make her feel better after a visit to the V-E-T.


And I visited my sister in Savannah to watch New Moon! It was quite awesome and I really can’t wait for the rest of the movies. I have re-read the first three books in the series and she’s bringing Breaking Dawn home from school for the Christmas break. I could read those books over and over again!

P.S. There’s a big project in the works that should be done in the next few weeks (Hubbs promised before Christmas) that I can’t wait to post about.