Tuesday, May 14, 2013

Wyatt is 2 and Sami graduated!

Last weekend, we headed over to Savannah because my baby sister Sami was graduating with her undergraduate degree in history from Armstrong Atlantic State University. Since Wyatt turned 2 that Saturday, we wanted to celebrate as a family so Justin and I took him to the Savannah Children’s Museum to run around and play.

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Later that night, we ate at Joe’s Crab Shack on River Street. Justin got a crab bucket so he got decked out in a big festive bib. The servers found out it was Wyatt’s birthday and mine two days later so I was thoroughly embarrassed while they all sang to us.


Saturday, Sami graduated and we got to catch up with my Aunt Patty, Uncle Roger, and cousin Claire, who all made the trip down from North Carolina.


We were able to get some great family photos.


Our whole family, minus Liam (he was at his mama’s house that weekend)

We grow with each graduation. For mine it was just the five of us and Justin. For Suzi’s graduation, we added Wyatt who was turning 1 that day. Now we have David and Liam to our mix.

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Uncle Vic, CAT (Crazy Aunt Teri), and Uncle Louie also came over from Ashburn.164279_10151681872786929_634210678_n 603785_10151681872711929_1949704300_n936791_10151681872761929_731480449_n 

These two are my favorite pictures from that afternoon. It is hilarious how the short Mastrario girls go for super tall guys. I snapped this one (intentionally cutting off David’s head) to show the height difference.


Sami and Justin are really like brother and sister. She was only 10 when Justin and I started dating. They swapped hats for this shot.


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